This page contains various resources you and your team can take in use to improve team performance. You can easily use the menu to scroll trough, select and use the relevant templates for you and your team.

How to use them?

  1. Use a table (preferably with a pen). Simply download the template and open it in a drawing program of any sort. This way is the easiest to store and make multiple versions, and also send to everyone involved after the session is over. It opens for multiple other technical solutions among connecting wirelessly to TVs or projectors to get the sheet up on the wall or table while working on it.
  2. Use the old fashioned way of printing out the templates and filling them out by hand. Remember to take pictures of what you figured out at a later stage. It is important everyone get the information and have easy access to what your team figured out together.

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Team charters

Team charter 1

Process flow

Process Map Symbols

Individual process flow

Process flow client relations

Process flow external team relations

Process flow – Team production flow

Process flow relations

Improving team

Process improvement meeting notes

Additional Team Tool teamplates

Smart goal map

Courses available on the topic

Team Charter:

Team charters is an important standard of any team. This includes operative teams that are designed to scale your business, leader and management teams, project teams or any other team. To be able to define and create a universal understanding by everyone involved around the teams purpose to exist, its objectives and challenges in that direction, clearly defined roles and so much more. A team charter sets an “agreement” for those forming the team, how things are going to function in this team structure.

Team Charter 1:

This team charter includes

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process flow:

You will find various process flow maps in the section under. New templates are continuously added to the selection of maps you can use. The maps are designed for drodling your processes in a decision process.

Process map symbols

Process map uses symbols to make things clearly understood. Shapes and colours help making the map easier to read and understand, making it possible to easier make the universal understanding needed to in processes.

One great idea is to use the templated to doodle down by pen or on a tablet, and later make things more appealing and visual by printing out more visually appealing documents to display where the whole team involved can see the processes they are involved in.

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Individual process flow:

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process flow client relations:

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process flow external team relation:

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process flow – Team production process

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process relations flow chart:

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Process improvements

In the section under you will find various templates that will help you improve your processes. An important part of having processes is to constantly seek to improve them. It is also important to seek to create a mutual and universal understanding of changes made for everyone involved. These templates will help you do so.

Process improvement meeting notes:

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Additional team tools

There are a set other easy to use tools to help develop your team. In the list below you will find a variation of other relevant templates to use.

SMART Goals Mapping

If file doesn’t upload automatically, simply hold image and save image file.

Courses related to building scalable team structures

Under you will find a list of various courses possible to attend in relation to building scalable team structures. If there is no available public course date, feel free to take contact for a public one scheduled, or a private one held at you company location.

Team og medarbeiderutvikling

Ledelse og organisering av virtuelle teams

Endringsledelse – konkret metode for å lede endring

Introduksjonskurs for førstegangsledere

Endring for fremtiden

Lean startup

Hvordan bygge et effektivt and lean markedsføringsteam

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