Build your team in Norway.

Planning to Come to Norway

Teambuild is in the business of building teams. The team- building we offer in Norway is aimed to be a premium adventure experience, in combination with a common learning and actual building process as a team. The process is done by using various tools and methods to build a foundation for further building the team. We belive that getting this experience, people need to stay together over a period of time, cooperating towards a common goal. Our adventures are designed as a process with the aim of building this foundation of common competencies and understandings of the dynamics between each member of the team.  Feel free to read further on our how we think in this process further down. 


We help your onboarding process by adding the little extra. We see the program as a catalyst for a onboarding process .By making simple and good adventure processes in combination with a tailored workshop and a course. The process is designed to make a team foundation with new team members to build further on.


Our premium pack is designed as as a tailor- made adventure. Tools and methods are tailored for the purpose of what is wanted to build in the team. The team will build the wanted competencies and team-spirit needed to identify and reach common goals. The process last over a period of 5 days.

executive and board processes

Our executive process is designed for executive teams and boards. The process is designed to better understand each others ways of communication and foster a better communication and improve decision making as a team. All this packed in a wild adventure.

So what is Team-Building for your company.

Most business owners think that simply placing people together will create a team. Other believe in adding team members on trial and error, and simply removing the bad apples as problems occur. 
Building a successful team rarely happens by itself. Certainly people will work together, and do tasks handled to them. But to build a team with high performance, where the foundation that holds the team together and creates and builds a mutual acceptance and adaption of the core values of the team. This foundation builds on trust, understanding, communication and so much more. To be able to build a team that shares this common goal and belief requires expertise and tools to manage. But it is for sure worth the effort when it comes to the teams performance towards the goal.
If you handle the building of teams internally. To build a team you need to generate ideas for team- building that focus on efforts to bring different personalities together, to complement and balance each other and work as a team. The difference in quality to actually make people manage to do this for your team, is quite big and hard to actually show for except in the results of the achieved team performance over time.
So in a fresh team, regardless what kind of function this team has. To begin with, there may be a complete lack of trust between the team members, something that is completely normal amount stranger or even people you know but find different from yourself. Im not talking about distrust as in people looking over their shoulders, but simply the common trust people often feel with their friends. The feeling when you know somebody got your back, and you know you got their back.
Lacking it still makes it possible to work together, function on basic tasks but it can also result in conflicts and other issues. A team on this level does not perform as a unity, it is simply a group of individuals that perform given tasks within the frame of responsibility they have. The team may also simply be a group of disjointed individuals working in different directions and lacking focus on the teams purpose and goal, even getting a team to cooperate on small tasks towards a step-stone goal can be hard for many. So making a team aligning with a common overall goal as the core of the team function, is and have always been challenging. 
So if you would like to build your teams with a good foundation you will need good tools. Your ideas for team building must include a good team leader who works to remove such conflicts and develops trust. The team leader provides a focus and direction to the team members and motivates them to work as team players towards the attainment of team, objectives. This sounds simple, most who read this will already have some idea on what to do. 

Some simple trust games and charts of theory that will give understanding of personality in colours is what most people see team-building as. Anyone who have been through a team-building like this, know that its simply to have on the paper that something is done, or simply see it as entertainment for the group. After the event, everyone continue back to what they do as they always done it. Nothing learned, if people are lucky they got to know each other, if they didn’t already know each other. Its a good start, but simply put it nothing is actually built here. No foundation is built between the team. And certainly no team has been build.

So what elements do we have in the Team- Building.

You can generate many ideas for team building to resolve conflict and raise a team that complements and balances each other. Whatever is tried to achieve, has its own tool. It is simply no universal tool for all. So a clear goal on what foundation is being built is important to figure out what materials you need, what tools to use and how to build it. Its like building anything, building a house also has its ways and know- how’s.
There are some elements that can be smart to follow when you start building any process towards what is in need of improvement. So building the team, focus on building cooperation around the functions they will operate in as a team in any situation. Even you place them in a different situation, people know the how to cooperate and align themselves with the team. The adaption of the core values comes along the process. So good team- building circle around:
Every team member must having a clear and complete understanding, and the acceptance of the goals of the team.

Every member of the team have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what function. In case, there is an overlapping of responsibilities and authority, depending on those individuals’ strengths and personal inclinations, divide the responsibilities into two parts, leaving each of them in complete control of each part.

Have a one-to-one honest and open meeting with your team members to build trust. To build a good team, you need to be loyal to them if you expect the same from them.

In a similar manner, allow your team members to build trust among themselves by providing them time and situations to know each other. This brings in openness and improves interpersonal communication.

Let the whole team take part in the decision making process, especially in matters that affect team consensus and commitment. What you need to achieve here is that each member of the team should feel he or she has contributed towards the final decision, solution, or idea.

The more the team member feels his or her contribution has led to the final solution; the more he or she will be committed to the line of action. This leads to better team-building.

Your ideas for team building should ensure that all team members are kept fully informed, and that there are no lines of communication that are blocked.

Do not allow interpersonal issues between team members to blow out of control. Deal with them as soon as they rear up.

Do not always give a negative feedback. Whenever an opportunity arises, give the positive feedback and appreciate an individual team member’s special efforts. This will empower him or her to do better. Remember: Various empowering tools far more powerful than the use of force tools. Empowering your team to dance into your line with you, rather than you pushing them there.

These ideas for team building, if implemented effectively can produce amazing results and change the way your team thinks and behaves.

How to align your team with the strategic goals in your organisation.

A central part of building a team is that the team should be tuned in on the function it is supposed to have. Without a goal or purpose, it s simply just a group of people. A team is alike a machine, where all members work together as a function. My favourite idea of a team is that it should consist of as few people as possible to perform its function. Likewise with a machine, the fewer parts, less things can go wrong. The interest when you build this machine is to align it with the overall strategy of your organisation, your organisation basically consist of teams. Your teams are basically people working on the team purpose and goal, aligned with your organisations strategic goals.

Strategic goals are the broadest goals in the entire organisation. The goals to accomplish is a task for everyone involved. As mentioned there are also different organisational levels than teams, namingly individual members of the teams. All with their own goals, which are quite relevant for accomplishing the major ones. So how does the team, and its elements see the organisation and the overall strategic goal? To work with people in an individual level plunging into their beliefs and values is critical when building a team. It is simply not to put a group of people together in a fun or exiting setting and letting them «do their things». 

If the team- building is centred around climbing a mountain top covered in snow. The team- building as many are lead to belive has nothing to do with climbing the mountain, that is only the objective. The purpose is to build the team around a common and agreed purpose and goal. Creating situations and challenges while implementing tools that let individual team members learn and reflect while slowly building that glue that sticks team together. In other words building the foundation for the team to grow and build further on.
On a team level, there should be goals that are shared among team members. Those goals are often specific and project-oriented, but their accomplishment must match with the strategic goals. A team should operate as a unit with its own mission, which is congruent with the strategy. 
One important element often overseen, is the micro level of the team structure. One that significantly contributes to the entire goal reaching strategy – the personal level. Every team contains individuals, and those individuals have their own goals. 
When they do not see the operative, and strategic goals aligned with their own goals. It may bring certain cloudiness into a team, and consequently, the entire organisation. 
On the level of the single employee, adoption of organisational goals as their own is highly desirable, and useful in both directions. An employee will be more motivated to strive for a team and organisational goal, and the individuals job satisfaction will be higher. 
On the bonus side, the organisation will be in the hands of people who truly care about its well-being. That makes a perfect scenario when the “team glue» sticks and the foundation is laid out proper for the team to build further on.

How do we use Team- Building to build on personal goals, meeting organisational goals.

There are certain preconditions which ought to be fulfilled in order to effectively adjust both organisational and personal goals. Knowing them may be quite helpful in recognising potential discrepancies between those goals, and preventing those discrepancies from further developing. So to further align an individuals personal goals to meet the team and eventually organisational goals after a successful team-building is important. When the foundation is built and the «team glue» is safely packed around the individual team members, sustaining the individuals motivation, responsibility and job satisfaction is crucial to further build and sustain the «team glue» that has been built as a foundation. 

1) Motivation. Only duly motivated employees can perceive organisational goals, as important as their own. Being motivated in such manner may be a matter of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, given the fact that both strongly impact behaviour. 

An extrinsically motivated person are motivated by outside influences, and may enjoy competing with others. Reaching the goal might be a reward for itself. Such a person may be an excellent driver for other participants. 

Intrinsic motivation is vastly influenced by seeing organisational goals as their own. Intrinsically motivated employees may have the needs to adapt those goals, because their motivation comes from the inside. If those goals are mutually incompatible, it becomes almost impossible for an intrinsically motivated person to stay on the task and to perform on best effort. 

Recognising the type of motivation for each employee may be a good starting point in adjusting and maintaining organisational and personal goals. 
 2) Responsibility. Seeing a goal as its own responsibility creates a completely different effect than seeing it as someone else’s. Scattered responsibility is a half-way solution. But, focusing each employee on a goal, with awareness about potential consequences for both organisation and each person responsible, may lead to stronger bond with organisational goals. 

This raises the question of motivation all over again, but responsibility may be the motivating factor for certain types of employees. What is important is that responsibility should be properly delegated within all people involved in accomplishing goals. If not, there is a risk for diffusion of responsibility, making no one feels truly responsible, which is a one-way ticket to failure. 

 3) Job satisfaction. Goal adjustment is more probable, when the most of other relevant factors are in a service of job satisfaction. Properly motivated, appreciated and directed employees are a necessary ingredient for making productive, positive and goal striving atmosphere in a long run. 
High job satisfaction not only motivates and annuls effects of stress, but also has negative correlation with absenteeism and fluctuation, behaviours which might suggest that something is not quite right with the people management. 
Job satisfaction is valuable not only for adjusting the goals, but for preventing things and behaviours that may spoil working atmosphere and create unnecessary distractions from reaching goals.

Why do executive team building in your company.

So people we meet are often led to belive that team-building is something needed for various teams at a function level of an organisation. And totally forget the fact that as executives in an organisation, they themselves are also part of a team. In most cases often the most important team in the whole organisation.
Effective executive team building is essential if your company is going to achieve its full potential. A team is much more than the sum of its parts and even a group of great minds is not destined for success unless they can really learn to work together toward common goals. Although your desired outcome may be to function like a well-oiled machine, the fact is that people are not machine parts. Personality clashes, egos, differences in opinion, simple misunderstandings, and so on make it necessary and worthwhile to spend some time developing the teamwork aspects of working together, and helping everyone understand their important role within the team structure. 

At an executive level the people placed in their position know very well what their role is, that is not what we refer to. We mentioned earlier building the foundations of trust, understanding, communication and other things that are essential for a teams function. In executive team-building is is even more critical than for other teams to understand oneself. Looking into oneself, understanding own effect and communication on others. Where the meaning of others are not universal, it is important to understand own affect on the variations of people. 

As executives people are often leaders in the various definitions of a leader, leading others. In an executive team building we can see improving self- leadership and self-understanding as a key factor to functioning as a executive team. Understanding among many things, that people communicate and understand things different. A keyword here is to develop emphatic skills as a leader, a somewhat new term for many.
While the rules that govern working together may seem like common sense, and very often are, it is nonetheless too easy for a group of people to fall into patterns of behavior that are not conducive to the common goal. Individuals may feel like they are working at odds against one another, or simply not know how to coordinate their efforts. Communication breaks down, and with it, the company’s productivity. Very often the best solution is to bring in someone from the outside, which can provide an objective point of view and help get everyone back on track. This is precisely why there are so many consulting firms today specializing in executive team building, organizational assessments, corporate culture, and the many related issues.
If your team needs a little assistance getting refocused and made more cohesive as a unit, there are many consultative products and services available, and many of them emphasize an atmosphere of fun and creativity. There are lots of entertaining ways to practice the fundamentals of good teamwork, and strengthen your team’s abilities to communicate and work together effectively. Conflict management, critical thinking, problem solving, and other items can be covered to address or improve any problem areas your group is encountering, as well as generally revitalize and motivate your team.
Executive team building is one way to make the most of your most valuable resources – your people. Reducing staff turnover and job related stress, and improving productivity and job satisfaction are just a small sample of the rewards you will reap by putting the necessary time into building your team. Explore some of the services available in your area, and look forward to having some fun together. Remember, team building is an investment in your future, as well as a method of dealing with problems from the past. A good consultant should have a range of tools and exercises that can be tailored to meet your unique needs, and have you and your team back on the road to new levels of success in no time

Choose the perfect plan

We offer different plans depending on your need. We have 3 different plans that are simple to understand and calculate a total price for your team from.

The prices includes tailor made packages for the specific purpose described in the boxes.


Per person



Per person



Per person


Frequently asked questions

When booking team building with us you will get a dedicated team that follow up only you. The team typically consist of a business psychologist and/ or people developer in the fields you are currently building in your team. Safety is also important, and we always bring along guides we cooperate with.

The dedicated team will together with you ahead of arriving design the purpose of the team- building and the right tools and methods. 

We offer the service mainly in English language. We can also offer service with Chinese mandarin language translator.

You can book team building in Norway simply by contacting us brought any of our channels. Contact us on mail, WhatsApp or facebook for a chat or talk around possible solutions we can offer for you.

We can accept payment for our services brought bank transfer. We have a prepay payment policy on our team- building services.

Even we mainly operate in Norway and can create situations with the best learning outcomes here. We do also offer to come to your region with our methods, tools and expertise. Feel free to take contact for more information,

Teambuild offers the team-building service. Once in Norway we take care of the necessary things that are planned for. Because of liabilities, we do not want to be responsible for our clients tickets to and from Norway.

Teambuild offer only the team building service in Norway. We do not offer visa services, but can be of assistance on where and how to obtain the visa.

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